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Dr. Brahmarshi Pitamaha Patriji

Fundador - Movimiento de Sociedades Espirituales Pirámides, estd.1990.

Meditación | Vegetarianismo | Poder de la pirámide

Patriji ha estado difundiendo constante e incansablemente la meditación, el vegetarianismo y el poder piramidal en todo el mundo desde los últimos 30 años. Recientemente ha sido honrado con el premio de Doctorado por la Universidad de Investigación Teológica junto con muchos otros premios.


Sobre Patriji

Brahmarshi Pitamaha Patriji se dio cuenta del poder de la meditación a través de sus propias experiencias profundas y alcanzó la Iluminación en el año 1979.

Patriji es una personalidad multidimensional y un líder carismático de una gran multitud.

“PSSM” es una organización/movimiento científico espiritual no religioso, no culto, sin fines de lucro con una extensión cada vez mayor de buscadores genuinos.

El MENSAJE FUNDAMENTAL para todos es que “No somos solo entidades físicas que experimentan una existencia aleatoria. En cambio, somos 'Entidades de Energía-Consciencia-Sabiduría Eterna (ECW)'... eligiendo y creando constantemente nuestras respectivas realidades existenciales en curso".

Más sobre Patriji

Patriji es un ejemplo de cómo la vida humana se puede vivir al máximo con entusiasmo y compasión hacia todos y cada uno.

Patriji enseña y guía a cada persona, con el mismo nivel de entusiasmo y amabilidad que lo hace con miles de buscadores espirituales y siempre está disponible para todos.

Patriji identifica la mejor manera en que cualquier persona puede servir a la sociedad mientras le da total libertad para actuar, y los alienta continuamente a hacer lo mejor que puedan.

Mientras Patriji te está familiarizando con los misterios de la meditación y la espiritualidad, ¡también tiene un lado encantador y amante de la diversión! impresionante autor de sabiduría espiritual.


Patriji también es un consumado flautista y un cantante atractivo, un administrador capaz, un gran creador de redes, un ferviente amante del cricket y un buen cocinero.

A Patriji le gusta llamar a su enfoque como el de un "CIENTÍFICO ESPIRITUAL"... lo que significa involucrarse en la experimentación directa a nivel del alma.

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Movimiento de Sociedades Espirituales de la Pirámide

¡En una misión para difundir la meditación y el vegetarianismo en todo el mundo!

“'PSSM' es una parte muy importante de la Revolución Espiritual de la Nueva Era mundial actual. Es un movimiento que lleva a la humanidad de la violencia a la no violencia... de las creencias religiosas ciegas a la experimentación científica y espírito-científica y la lógica espírito-científica... del materialismo en bancarrota al magnífico Camino Medio... y finalmente evoluciona del nivel animal de comer a adoptando el vegetarianismo”.

Pyramid Spiritual Societies Movement tiene 30 años completos; this year (and counting). The organisation has established more than 20,000 Pyramids all over India_cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_and has conducted millions of free workshops on various esoteric and scientific spiritual subjects across the country, and globe to promote the benefits of medicine free and self empowered life to every single individual.

La organización ha estado trabajando constantemente para cambiar a toda la humanidad de la violencia a non-violence, para mover a cada individual a un lugar de compasión y bondad para todos_cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_seres vivos. De un sistema de creencias religiosas ciegas a spirituo-scientific temperament y de los extremos de la 'Matrix' a un profundo y_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136_Middlebad Pathdcf5 . 


18 Guiding Principles of PSSM



Meditate in the right way i.e., Anapanasati .. and teach everyone the same Anapanasati. No difficult asanas and pranayama methods.

Meditation is the only foundation of spiritual experiences. Doing meditation and teaching meditation … are concurrent things. As we learn, we should teach; the more we teach, the more we learn. There are not ‘many‘ ways of doing meditation. There is but one … and that is Anapanasati. This was the discovery of Gautama Buddha 2500 years back. The eighth point in the eight fold path of Buddha is ‘ samma sati ‘ … that is right way of doing meditation. Anapanasati is the only ‘ samma sati ‘.

Image by Susan Q Yin


Read right spiritual books .. i.e., Books by Osho, Lobsang Rampa, Castaneda, Jane Roberts, Annie Besant, Linda Goodman, Deepak Chopra, Sylvia Browne, Torkom Saraydarian, Yogananda Paramahamsa etc., etc.


Exchange meditational / spiritual experiences with everyone who is interested.

Group Lecture


Spend much time every day in silence; worldly gossip is absolutely forbidden.

Image by Guillaume de Germain
Full Moon


Utilize full-moon nights for intensive meditation.

Every month, the full-moon nights are so very precious. We have to harvest the abundant energy … cosmic energy … which is especially available in those nights … the three days around full-moon… one day preceding the full-moon, the full-moon night and one day after the full-moon night. On these full-moon nights, we should do more intensive meditation.



Utilize Pyramid Energy for Meditation, as much as possible.

Meditation is best done inside a pyramid, beneath the pyramid … or we can have a pyramid cap on our head. Meditation is thrice more energetic and more powerful when done inside or beneath a pyramid. Pyramids have to be specifically oriented to ‘ north-south ’ magnetic axis, when built on a permanent basis. Pyramids can be made of any material ; preferably, crystals should be placed in the pyramid.


Give-up psychological dependence on medicines .. only meditational energy heals.

The physical body is nothing but the natural shadow of mind. As the mind, so will be the body. Setting right the mind, we would have set right the body. Upset the mind, the body becomes upset. Almost 90% of diseases are psychosomatic. Created in psyche, becoming evident in the physical body. The true science of health demands that we look closely and deeply at the mind. Spiritual health is the root and physical health is the fruit.



No meat .. no fish .. no eggs. Be vegetarian. Eat according only to need.

Vegetarianism is absolutely essential for spiritual life. In fact, spirituality and vegetarianism are synonymous. EVERY BODY HAS TO BECOME A VEGETARIAN. Quantum vibrational science is slowly recognizing the ill effects of animal food in human systems. The cardinal principle of any religious movement is Love. Love is nothing other than being kind to our co-animal-beings of the Earth. ANIMALS ARE NOT CREATED AS FOOD FOR HUMANS. Further, we can’t afford to over eat. We should eat only according to our need … not according to our greed. Only when we are hungry, we may eat. If you are not hungry, you should never eat.

Image by Anna Pelzer


Spend much time in pure nature .. e.g., forests, meadows, river banks and mountains etc.



No ‘ spiritual ’ clothing .. no ‘ sacred ’ body-marks .. no rituals.

Spirituality is a matter of inner achievement … and there is nothing to show-off to others.


Impart meditation training to children, right from their early child-hood.

We have to compulsorily teach meditation to the children. Taking care of the child, we have taken care of the whole humanity. Start teaching children from the age five.



Learn to live as masters and never as disciples.

We learn from each and every person in general … and we are not disciples of any one person in particular. Becoming a master is the goal of life. As we think, so we become. From day one of entering into meditation and spirituality, we should treat ourselves as masters. There are no disciples and gurus, there are only junior masters and senior masters.



Reject money exchanges in meditation-training programs.

For earning money, we may sell vegetables … or we may take up farming … or we may sell music … or we may teach a language. However … earning money through teaching meditation is strictly forbidden. Teaching meditation should be absolutely free of any money considerations.

Image by Greg Rakozy


No worship of idols ; no worship of Living Masters.

Idols are always beautiful. Sculpture is truly a fine art. However, idol ‘ worship ‘ is simply meaningless. Neither the worship of living masters has any true benefit. Living masters are sources of true inspiration. They are not objects of worship. We have to emulate the way of life of living masters. We ourselves are gods. So, where is the question of worshipping any other person ? The point is to bring out the soul-essence from within our own selves through intense practice of meditation.


Overcome personal problems using own meditational strength.

We all have our personal problems. Our personal problems have to be tackled by applying our own inner meditational strength. The more we increase our personal soul-energy, the more the external situations become conducive to our true goals. No guru can help us to ease our problems. Our problems are only challenges … that are self-chosen … before we are born … and they must be calmly endured. Meditation gives all the abilities we need to endure challenging life-situations.

Image by Michael Dam


Enjoy normal family lives .. no sanyasa or renunciation.

Some religions prescribe sexual abstinence as if it is an absolute pre-requisite for the cultivation of spirituality. However, it is far from true. Sexuality is truly a source of human happiness and human health. Sexuality and spirituality are not mutually exclusive. Pyramid masters lead normal family, sexual lives. Friendships are the carry-home baggage for any soul. What survives death of the physical body is only friendship.


Establish Pyramid Meditation Centers in all villages, towns and cities.

Pyramid Masters are required to establish meditation centers in villages, towns or cities. Every Pyramid Master is a Bodhisattva or a Buddha. A “Bodhisattva” is a spiritual master who is stationed in one place and teaches all the persons who may approach him, and a “Buddha” is a spiritual master who moves from place to place and teaches all those who welcome him.

Writing by the Water


Publish meditational experiences and personal spiritual transformation.

Sir Francis Bacon has emphatically stated that “ Writing makes for perfect man “. All senior Pyramid Masters have to pen their meditational and spiritual experiences and publish them as a rule.

Dr. Brahmarshi Pitamaha Patriji

Fundador - Movimiento de Sociedades Espirituales Pirámides

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